Students are nailing down another affordable, efficient home

The four homes on Hope Loop, though they look distinct from each other, have something important in common. They were all built by students in the OregonBILDS program. Building Integrated Livable Designs Sustainably is a studio program led by Rob Thallon, associate professor of Architecture, in which UO students build an affordable and energy-efficient house. Families who make 80 percent of the local median income are eligible to purchase the new homes. The money from each sale goes toward producing the next home and students get authentic experience and clear understanding of how the design process connects with the construction process.

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Student Eli Cox-Skall (right) cuts a baseboard while Ana Misenas prepares another baseboard for cutting.
Student Eli Cox-Skall (right) cuts a baseboard while Ana Misenas prepares another baseboard for cutting.