Profile picture of Mark R.  Eischeid

Mark R. Eischeid

Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies
Phone: 541-346-3834
Office: 216 Lawrence Hall, 5234 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5234
City: Eugene
Research Interests: 20th century design and art, critical aesthetics, design historiography and pedagogy, critical practice in art/design

PhD, University of Edinburgh
MFA, Edinburgh College of Art (Art Space + Nature, with Distinction)
MLA, UC Berkeley
BS, Stanford University (Applied Earth Science)

Mark R. Eischeid is an Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Oregon where he primarily teaches history classes and design studios.  His research focuses on the history of 20th century landscape architecture, and his writing has appeared in Journal of Landscape ArchitectureLA+, Landscape Journal, and Landscape Research.  He is a licensed landscape architect (California) and has worked for Sasaki Associates and Scott Lewis Landscape Architecture on campus, waterfront, and residential projects in the US and Asia.  Mark has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in the UK, Japan, Denmark, and Greenland, and has work in private and public collections in the US, UK, and the Netherlands.  He has been awarded an Excellence in Teaching Award (Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, 2023, Junior Level) and the Graduate Education Excellence Award for Director of Graduate Studies (University of Oregon, 2023).  Mark formerly served as an Assistant Editor for the journal Landscape Research and currently serves as an External Affiliate for the Department of Public and Applied Humanities at the University of Arizona.

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Recent Lectures

"Engaged Photography: Revealing the Miller Garden"
February 22, 2024
History of Gardens and Landscapes Seminar
Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study
University of London, UK
Video recording available here.

"Visuality and the Sublime: Three Views of Mt. Hood"
October 16, 2023
Department of Landscape Architecture
University of Arizona, USA
Video recording available here. 

"The Residential Gardens of JC Olmsted and the Sublimity of the Pacific Northwest"
October 19, 2022
Situating the Residential Projects of the Olmsted Firm Symposium
Planting Fields Arboretum, Oyster Bay, NY, USA
Video recording available here (26:52-51:42).

Selected Publications

Eischeid, Mark R. 2023. "Chromatic landscapes of Greenland", in Journal of Landscape Architecture, vol. 18, issue 2-3, pp. 104-111.

Eischeid, Mark R. 2023. “Engaged Photography: Revealing the Miller Garden”, in Active Landscape Photography, Volume III: Diverse Practices, Anne Godfrey, ed. Abingdon, England: Routledge, pp. 117-137.

Eischeid, Mark R. 2019. "Every Branch and Blade" (interview with Ben Wever, Miller Garden Site Manager), in Landscape Architecture Magazine, July 2019, pp. 36-44.

Eischeid, Mark R. 2018. "Color = Place + Time" (reproduction of artwork, plus interpretive text), in LA+, vol. 8 ("Time"). Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Eischeid, Mark R. 2017. "Gärten der Welt ("Gardens of the World)", Museum Rietberg, Zürich, Switzerland" (exhibition review), in Landscape Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 92-94.

Eischeid, Mark R., and Lima, M. Francisca. 2017. "Casas Perdidas" (review of photographic work by Filipe Condado), in special issue of Landscape Research on Shrinking Cities, Lima, M. Francisca, and Eischeid, Mark R. (eds.), vol. 42, no. 7, p. 761.

Lima, M. Francisca, and Eischeid, Mark R. 2017. "Shrinking Cities: Rethinking Landscapes in the Context of Depopulating Urban Landscapes" (introductory editorial), in special issue of Landscape Research on Shrinking Cities, Lima, M. Francisca, and Eischeid, Mark R. (eds.), vol. 42, no. 7, p. 691-698.

Eischeid, Mark R. 2016. "'Exploding to the Infinite': Dan Kiley's North Christian Church" (conference paper), in Bridging the Gap: Proceedings of the ECLAS Conference; Paul Bauer, Maria Collender, Michael Jakob, Lea Ketterer Bonnelame, Peter Petschek, Dominik Siegrist, and Christian Tschumi, eds. Rapperswil, Switzerland: HSR Hochschule für Technik, pp. 85-87.

Eischeid, Mark R. 2014. "The Grid and the Non-Hierarchical Field: Peter Walker and Minimalist Landscape Architecture" (conference paper), in Specifics: Discussing Landscape Architecture; Christiane Sörensen and Karoline Liedtke, eds. Berlin: Jovis, pp. 268-270.

Eischeid, Mark R. 2012. "The Sublime in Modernist Landscape Architecture: Dan Kiley and the Artificial Infinite" (conference paper), in 2012 ECLAS Conference Proceedings; Izabela Dymitryszyn, Małgorzata Kaczyńska, and Gabriela Maksymiuk, eds. Warsaw: Warsaw University of Life Sciences, pp. 33-36.

Eischeid, Mark R. 2003. "Avoiding 'Fault': How Seismic Hazard Policy and Planning is Shaping Suburban California" (conference paper), in 2002 ASLA Annual Meeting Proceedings; Diane L. Scheu, ed. Washington, D.C.: American Society of Landscape Architects, pp. 107-111.