The 2024 Field School at Deception Pass State Park, Washington focused on a CCC Comfort Station. Projects involved log work, window reconstruction and repair, and metal restoration. Workshops included cultural landscapes, wood pathology, blacksmithing, and HABS documentation.
View 2024 Pacific Northwest Field School

The 2023 Pacific Northwest Field School took place at Fort Stevens State Park, near Astoria, Oregon. Participants focused their work on solving complex issues surrounding important military structures and landscapes from multiple eras including a 1911 brick guardhouse, Battery Russell, and Fire Control Hill. Participants explored historic concrete preservation, documentation and assessment practices, and maintenance of historic landscapes surrounding the areas of concentration.
View 2023 Pacific Northwest Field School

The 2022 Pacific Northwest Field School took place at the Railroad Ranch at in Eastern Idaho. Work focused on historic log structures including an oil house, scale house, and cottages where participants undertook log repair and selective replacement, log daubing and masonry work on stone steps, window rehabilitation and condition assessment and landscape workshops.
View 2022 Pacific Northwest Field School

The 2021 Pacific Northwest Field School activities centered on an early cast-in-place concrete building, the historic Baker Club House, and nearby company housing. Participants explored historic concrete preservation, window rehabilitation, and documentation and assessment practices. Participants also examined the surrounding industrial landscape, which includes remarkable cast-in-place concrete silos, a crusher plant, and other structures.
View 2021 Pacific Northwest Field School

The 2019 Pacific Northwest Field School was held at the historic Youth Camp at Silver Falls State Park in Oregon. Participants completed work on multiple buildings within the camp including the recreation hall, infirmary, and lodges. Projects included historic window rehabilitation, log replacement, condition assessment, and nightly lectures from preservation professionals.

The 2018 Pacific Northwest Field School was held in Portland at the Cottrell House, a home designed by architect John Yeon in 1950. Preservation projects included rehabilitating original wood handrails, plywood panels and wood window louvers, as well as repointing the stone patio. Students also participated in cultural landscape studies, wood science sessions, nightly lectures, and a field trip to historic sites in the Columbia River Gorge.

In 2017, the Pacific Northwest Field School journeyed to the beautiful and remote Nez-Perce National Forest, Idaho. Participants worked on several preservation projects at the historic Fenn Ranger Station built in 1937. Projects included unveiling and treating original Dolly Varden drop siding, repointing masonry retaining walls, restoring wood windows, and for the first time ever, preparing a cultural landscape inventory.

The 2016 Pacific Northwest Preservation Field School was held at the beautiful and historic Mount Rainier National Park. The field school focused on historic masonry, backcountry preservation, and wood/timber frame construction as participants worked to restore a fire lookout, cabins, and other structures.

The 2015 Pacific Northwest Field School worked at Tryon Creek State Park and the A.J. Masters House, both near Portland, Oregon. Participants spent time each week preserving both a pioneer era house and a log cabin. Projects included porch stabilization, rebuilding a cornice, restoring a chimney, repairing rotted floors, and restoring windows.

The 2014 Pacific Northwest Preservation Field School was held at the Fisher Bottoms Homestead, a Bureau of Land Management property in Swan Valley, Idaho. The field school focused on stabilizing and documenting historic log structures on the property. Participants replaced log sills, re-roofing parts of some structures, and developed treatment recommendations following the Secretary of the Interior's Standards.

In 2013, the Pacific Northwest Preservation Field School returned to Puget Sound and Whidbey Island. Participants worked to restore the Campstove Shelter at Deception Pass State Park, Washington, which was built in the 1930’s by the Civilian Conservation Corps. Participants also worked on the Comstock Barn, built in 1939.

The 2012 Field School was hosted by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Sessions were split between the Frenchglen Hotel and the Sod House Ranch. Themes included sustainability, preservation technology, and archaeology.

The 2011 Field School focused on the Peter Roose Homestead and Sol Duc Falls Shelter in Olympic National Park, Washington. Participants were offered a two-week backcountry camping and working experience. Student work included fence reconstruction, wood window restoration, stabilization, log construction, and notching.

The 2010 Pacific Northwest Field School took place in Boise, Idaho at the Old Idaho State Penitentiary, which was constructed in the late 19th century. Restoration projects included masonry, window restoration, wood restoration, structural stabilization, and metal work.

In 2009, the field school crew worked on the Frank Lloyd Wright's Gordon House, the Oregon State fairground Historic Poultry Building, and Silver Falls State Park. Projects included restoration of windows, interior wood finish work, and preservation maintenance.

In 2008, the field school worked on a variety of structures at both Cape Disappointment State Park & Fort Columbia State Park, both near Long Beach, Washington. Participants worked on military structures at Fort Columbia and the North Head lighthouse and keepers house at Cape Disappointment.

During the 2007 field school, participants worked to rehabilitate a Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) kitchen shelter at Heyburn State Park just outside of Plummer, Idaho.

At the 2006 field school in Washington's North Cascades National Park, students worked on Meadow Cabin East and Gilbert's Cabin.

In 2005, field school participants reconstructed a Civilian Conservation Corps-era (CCC) kitchen shelter at the Jessie M. Honeyman Memorial State Park on the coast of Oregon.

The Railroad Ranch in Idaho's Harriman State Park was the site of the 2004 field school. Students stabilized a log sheep barn with work on its roof, windows, and chinking.

In 2003, the field school moved to the oldest continuously-operating water-powered mill in Oregon, the historic Thompson's Flouring Mill in Shedd. The students' work included archaeology, timber frame construction and repair, wood window repair, and a study of water-powered engineering.

In 2002, two projects kept the field school busy on Whidbey Island. Participants replaced logs on the block house, reroofed, and made structural changes to the Ebey House, and learned about window restorations.

During the summer of 2001, the field school focused attention on the Wilkins Ranch House located at Point Reyes National Seashore, CA. The house was built (c.1870) as part of a ranch complex for the historic dairy farming industry of the Point Reyes Peninsula.

An historic Queen Anne house in Eugene, Oregon was chosen as the site of the 2000 field school. The house was built in 1888, employing balloon frame construction. Participants restored windows, refinished iron cresting, and worked on other late 19th Century details.

In 1999, the field school traveled to Port Townsend, WA. Participants rehabilitated military structures at Fort Worden.

The 1998 field school took place at Fort Stevens State Park, Oregon. Preservation work included the Guard House and the Officer's Quarters.

In 1997, the field school was located at Silver Falls State Park and focused on Depression-era log cabins constructed by the Works Progress Administration (WPA).

The 1996 field school was held in Port Orford on the Oregon Coast and centered on the Cape Blanco Lighthouse (1870) and the Hughes House (1898).

The first field school was offered in 1995 at the Peter French Round Barn (built 1884) in Harney County in Eastern Oregon.