About the Event

The last ceremony was hosted by the UO Historic Preservation program on May 12, 2023 with an Open House and the George McMath Historic Preservation Award Ceremony at the White Stag Block in Portland. This free evening event gathered alumni, preservation professionals, students, and friends of the University of Oregon Historic Preservation program to:
- Celebrate the career contributions of the next McMath Award recipient
- Celebrate the Historic Preservation program’s history
- Meet current students and learn about their work and ideas for the future of the field
- Hear about ongoing faculty and student research projects
- Visit the Historic Preservation classrooms, workspaces, and library and learn about the history and rehabilitation of the National Register-listed White Stag Block
- Share ideas about preservation education opportunities and approaches
George McMath Historic Preservation Award and HP Program Open House
May 12, 2023, 4:30 – 7:15 p.m.
Registration for this free event is required.
For questions about the event, contact: histpres@uoregon.edu.