All new graduate students receive advising prior to the start of their first term.
Students are responsible for seeking out advice from their advisor. It is recommended that students keep a record of advising sessions and always obtain a Program Degree Check to take with them to advising sessions. Students should meet with the advisor at least once per year.
Throughout the term and at exit interviews, studio instructors act as an informal advisors.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Advising Transcript?
The advising transcript is a list of the courses completed at the UO and is accessed through DuckWeb.
What is a Program Degree Check?
The department tracks the progress of each student. Students can obtain a copy of their Program Degree Check by contacting the student services manager in the Department of Interior Architecture office.
Will I get the classes I need for my program?
The department keeps close track of how many graduate students are in the program, where they are in the program and what the class demand is. This tracking allows the department to plan course offerings allowing most students get the classes they need in order to complete their programs on time.
Master's Program Advising
As a master's student entering the department, you will be assigned an academic advisor from the School of Architecture & Environment for the duration of your period of study. The advisor's primary role is to provide advice and counseling on academic and departmental matters, including helping you prepare a program of study that satisfies departmental and university requirements for graduation. Advising begins prior to registration. Your advisor is available at specified times to assist you in course selection and registration.
Your primary role as a student is to keep your advisor informed about matters concerning your progress toward degree completion. The amount of time you spend with your advisor is up to you, and you are expected to take the initiative in arranging advising meetings. On occasion, the advisor may request to meet with you.
Career Advising
In addition to your assigned school-wide academic advisor and guidance provided by your faculty, you can access assistance from a college-wide career advisor to help you develop career goals, design an internship/job search strategy, create career application materials, and strengthen interviewing skills. You can schedule an individual appointment, enroll in a career development course (DSGN), and access resources through the Career Services website.
Learn More about Career Advising and Education