Architectural Record Highlights Design for Spatial Justice Initiative for Equity Efforts

photo of Portland from above

As the Architectural Record notes, the School of Architecture & Environment (SAE) was one of the early adopters of environmentalism and sustainability in design education.

Once again, SAE has been praised for its innovation, but this time for its incorporation of social justice into its curriculum through the Design for Spatial Justice Initiative, a visiting faculty fellowship program that brings in scholars who engage with spatial, social, and environmental justice.

The article states:

“At first glance, the DSJI might look like a diversity initiative to change the demographics of the faculty, or a pedagogical initiative to change what’s being taught—both of which are true, says Erin Moore, director of UO’s School of Architecture & Environment. But beyond that, ‘it’s significant to see a person from an underrepresented group who is affected by these disproportionate impacts teaching the topics from lived experience.’”

Learn more in the magazine article “Continuing Education: Environmental Inequity.”