Gast featured on Ukraine TV, YouTube

The Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) recently produced a documentary interview with UO architecture Associate Professor Gerry Gast that reviews the progress of the new UCU campus and its design concepts, which Gast and his students helped bring to fruition. The video was made for Ukraine TV in Lviv, western Ukraine, as well as for UCU.

Associate Professor Gerry Gast
Above: Associate Professor Gerry Gast on the site during construction at UCU.

The interview, which runs twelve minutes, is posted on You Tube. Gast teaches in the Department of Architecture at the UO in Portland.

In the interview, Gast discusses the University of Oregon, the UO’s Portland Urban Projects Workshop, and Gast’s work on the UCU campus during the past five years. Two major buildings have been completed, one is under construction, and one is about to begin construction.

Gast and his graduate students developed the master plan for UCU’s new Stryiskiyi Park campus, located in Lviv.

The Portland Urban Projects Workshop was founded in 2002 to provide advanced UO architecture students with opportunities for immersion in research, public architecture, and urban design projects. The Workshop provides professional services supervised by experienced faculty and staffed with graduate and advanced undergraduate students. 
Gast and his students began working on the UCU master plan in fall 2008.

Above: Rendering of the student residences at Ukrainian Catholic University, by KMW Architects. Image courtesy Gerry Gast. 

residence hall
Above: The completed The Collegium at Ukrainian Catholic University combines the purpose of a residence hall with other activities. Photo courtesy Gerry Gast.